اخبار استراليا الاخبار الاخبار المحلية

الدكتور تيم اندرسون تعاقبه الحكومة الاسترالية بسبب مواقفه المشرفة من قضايانا العربية.

ادارة جامعة سيدني تمنع الدكتور تيم أندرسون من مواصلة عمله كمحاضر في الجامعة بسبب وقوفه القوي ضد الحرب على سوريا وفلسطين واليمن، فكما وقف ضد العدوان على شعوبنا في المنطقة نقف معه ضد هذه الهجمة الظالمة الشرسة …..

Yesterday University of Sydney Provost Stephen Garton suspended me from my position as a senior lecturer and banned me from entering the university. I have worked as an academic at this University for more than 20 years and am appealing the decision to a Review Committee.

This move is the culmination of a series of failed attempts by management to restrict my public comments. I have always rejected such censorship. The latest complaint concerns my advisory analysis of the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Examine the graphic below and decide for yourself whether or how this infographic might be ‘offensive’.

These complaints, over the last 18 months, have been petty and absurd. In my view they represent an unusually aggressive regime of political censorship, in which no decent university should be involved.

Most of the management complaints have to do with my criticisms of war propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine. I don’t accept such censorship.

Stephen Garton has ignored the ‘intellectual freedom’ rule of the university, which states that academic staff are entitled to ‘express unpopular or controversial views, provided that in doing so staff must not engage in harassment, vilification or intimidation’. I will point this out to the Review Committee.

I have told Provost Garton that I don’t abuse or engage in gratuitous criticism, but I do criticise dishonest propaganda harshly, when justified. I have rejected his attempts at political censorship as unprincipled.

Dr Tim Anderson